The Goals | December 2014

Goals__Breanna McKendrick Photography_Utah Wedding PhotographerI am a believer in goals. I think they are a great motivator and encourager! They help people change and grow! But boy are they intimidating. As my business has changed and grown, my goals for it have changed, but I have felt paralyzed to really set them and make achievable sets for a while. Goals are GREAT, we know this, so why am I being such a baby about them?

…. Because I am scared! I am scared of failure and being vulnerable. I am scared to open up and share my inner hopes and dreams. These walls are reoccurring monsters in my personal and professional growth. You might feel the same way. In preparation for an epic 2015, I have decided to start with goals I have for the month of december with you all!

– Finish Bridal Guide for my 2015 Brides!

I am SO excited for this Bridal Guide to come out! This guide, how do I describe it without revealing too much of the surprise? It is an exclusive look at the bridal experience with Breanna McKendrick Photography and will be a HUGE resource in planning the details of their wedding day! I am waiting for a MAJOR “Secret project” that is currently in the works to be finished to translate over some finishing touches to this guide. I am thrilled to be giving it to all my 2015 BRIDES! Get ready gals! Things will run as smooth as butter with this!
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– Blog 3x a week! MWF
Ok folks. This is scary for me to say out loud, because I know when I share it with you all, I am setting an expectation for myself and potential public failure if I don’t accomplish it. But I want to dig down deep and be completely honest and real. I want to blog EVERY Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. EVERY WEEK. You can hold me to this. Really. I want my blog to be a thriving and living part of my business but lately I have been treating it like some strange mold in the back of the fridge that I am try to ignore and too lazy to clean out. (Ps- our fridge is mold free, but I hope you get the picture.)

So expect something new on the blog 3 times a week. I am going to be starting a few series pertaining to all things photography, business, and wedding related to keep things fresh and relevant. Because I take my job seriously and as a professional, I am going to work hard to make sure there is wonderful content and beautiful images for you reading and viewing pleasure.

Ahhh, now that feels good to finally say out loud and gets me excited for all the projects in the works!!!

– Have a honest “Year in Review” session
Building a business and a brand has been an exciting adventure filled with highs and lows. My business has grown so much in the last year and I have made some epic mistakes in some aspects and totally crushed it in others. I don’t want this last year of experience to be water under the bridge and lose the learning opportunities. But rather sit down with my favorite warm drink, a pen and a pad of paper and have a little heart to heart with my business. What really worked and what blew up in my face? How can I make sure mistakes I made NEVER happen again and how to I make sure the good things happen for every single bride, family, and individual I photograph. I feel like this will only work if I can remove myself emotionally from my business and really approach it honest constructive criticism.

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I realize that these are just stepping stones to a bigger picture that I am clinging onto for 2015 of Breanna McKendrick Photography. Those goals will come soon!!!!

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