Category Archives: Engagement

Kristil and Jantzen

Utah Lake Engagement Pictures

I was traveling in Ireland and emailing back and forth to Kristil, setting up out time to Skype to

Katelin + Brayden | Engaged!

I don’t really know where to start with this one. I love building a connection with each of

Alissa + Ben Engaged | Antelope Island Engagement Shoot

Ben and Alissa are two different personalities individually but seem to fit together seamlessly.

Alyson and William | Silver Lake Engagements

Alyson and William grew up just A FEW  blocks away from each other. A few blocks! However, they

Brittanie and Shaun | Engaged

I have loved getting to know Brittanie and Shaun. They are a couple that just seem to fit together

Happy 4th of July | Hippie Shoot-Out

Happy Fourth of July everyone! This might be one of my favorite holiday right after christmas and

Lindsey + Andrew | Utah Wildflower Engagement

If I could mix my own love for playing in band and my little sisters track start qualities, you

Shellie + Josh | Tibble Fork Engagement

Shellie got out of the car and I paused for a second squinting my eyes wondering if that was really

Kaela + Kai | Engaged

Kaela and Kai are the winners of our annual WEDDING GIVEAWAY!  I knew these two were special from