Category Archives: Personal Work

Glamorous Lighting. Exercise in Creativity.

A cement wall, a cozy chair, and some dramatic lighting might be all you need to create a really

Photographer Headshot Swap. Utah Wedding Photographer.

Photography is one of the interesting careers that although you work with people, you typically do

Jo Totes Camera Bag Review. Missy Mint.

GEAR REVIEW: There are some things that I am VERY particular about… how I fold my laundry,

The Workshop Experience. Sneak Peek.

The last year of Breanna McKendrick Photography has been a roller coaster of learning and growing.

Drive off into the sunset.

Looking through these images makes me want a motorcycle, and BAD. My dad had one when I was

The Underground.

It is such a fresh feeling to go out and try something new. I have been trying to expand my

Desert Raven.

I really try to seek out opportunities to expand my creativity and skill levels. When Kelli

A Vintage Summer. Fashion Shoot.

A vintage way to celebrate the 4th of July. This amazing themed shoot was hosted by Kelli West

Christmas Time. Salt Lake City.

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I feel like there will always be an inner child in me