Category Archives: Portrait

Baby Will. 3 Months and Counting.

It is hard to stretch outside of your comfort zone. I have countless examples of times when I was

Maggie. Salt Lake City Portraits.

I love meeting new people and new photographers in the Salt Lake Valley. Maggie is a great wedding

Sneak Peek. Union Station Ballet Dancer.

I know it is the Superbowl, but today I am wishing I knew how to dance. Enjoy this little sneak

Robert and Delanie. Provo Anniversary.

I  just celebrated my one year anniversary with the hubby and we chatted about how much we

Maggie. Sneak Peek.

A little preview from this morning. Maggie is gorgeous.

Trevor and Christie. Utah Lake.

I do not know if I could have asked for a better day. Being in Utah you never know what the weather

Dreamy Sneak Peek. Utah Lake.

I am beyond excited over this shoot. I could not help but to put a little sneak peek up already.

Mikaylie. Utah Portrait Photographer.

I love shooting portraits down by Utah Lake. I feel like this day with Mikaylie down the river